Leaving Feedback for Texters
You can leave a texter feedback on their texting to help them improve their texting. You can leave internal feedback for other moderators to read to help moderators with quality assurance.
- Click "Moderate" at the top
- If leaving feedback for a texter that has requested texts, click "Requests" and then under actions click "Moderate"
- On the right, click the blue "Add" button next to "Feedback"
- In the "Shared Comment" box, leave feedback you want the texter to read
- In the "Internal Comment" box, leave feedback you only want Moderators and Administrators to read
- Click "Save Changes"
- Above the feedback, you can change the user's texter level
- If leaving feedback for a texter that hasn't requested texts, click "Moderate" on the dropdown menu.
- Search the texter's name
- Select the program you want to moderate
- Click "Complete" to read the texts the texter has sent
- On the right, click the blue "Add" button next to "Feedback"
- In the "Shared Comment" box, leave feedback you want the texter to read
- In the "Internal Comment" box, leave feedback you only want Moderators and Administrators to read
- Click "Save Changes"
- Above the feedback, you can change the user's texter level