Leaving Feedback for Texters

You can leave a texter feedback on their texting to help them improve their texting. You can leave internal feedback for other moderators to read to help moderators with quality assurance.

  1. Click "Moderate" at the top
  2. If leaving feedback for a texter that has requested texts, click "Requests" and then under actions click "Moderate"
    1. On the right, click the blue "Add" button next to "Feedback"
    2. In the "Shared Comment" box, leave feedback you want the texter to read
    3. In the "Internal Comment" box, leave feedback you only want Moderators and Administrators to read
    4. Click "Save Changes"
    5. Above the feedback, you can change the user's texter level
  3. If leaving feedback for a texter that hasn't requested texts, click "Moderate" on the dropdown menu.
    1. Search the texter's name
    2. Select the program you want to moderate
    3. Click "Complete" to read the texts the texter has sent
    4. On the right, click the blue "Add" button next to "Feedback"
    5. In the "Shared Comment" box, leave feedback you want the texter to read
    6. In the "Internal Comment" box, leave feedback you only want Moderators and Administrators to read
    7. Click "Save Changes"
    8. Above the feedback, you can change the user's texter level

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