Using Moderation

Requests: Initial Outbound Message and Replies Approvals

If you checked the box next to "Require Approval" on a texter level, this is where you will approve an initial outbound message request or replies request from a texter. The texter will not receive texts until you have approved them.

  1. Initial Outbounds
    1. You will see the request with the date, the texter's name, the program, and details of the request.
    2. Click "Actions" at the far right of the request
    3. You will have these options:
      1. Approve
        1. This will approve the texter's initial outbound message request and they will receive texts
      2. Deny
        1. This will deny the texter's initial outbound message request and they will not receive any texts
      3. Moderate
        1. This allows you to see the texter's TextOut, you will be able to see all texts they have sent and leave feedback
      4. Assign to User
        1. This will allow you to select a texter to moderate and approve the request
  2. Replies
    1. You will see the request with the date, the texter's name, the program, and details of the request.
    2. Click "Actions" at the far right of the request
    3. You will have these options:
      1. Approve
        1. This will approve the texter's replies request and they will receive texts
      2. Deny
        1. This will deny the texter's replies request and they will not receive any texts
      3. Moderate
        1. This allows you to see the texter's TextOut, you will be able to see all texts they have sent and leave feedback
      4. Assign to User
        1. This will allow you to select a texter to moderate and approve the texter's request


Reassignments are texts that have either been manually reassigned with a reason or automatically reassigned after a set amount of time per the program details.

To access Reassignments:

  1. Click the blue "Moderation" button at the top
  2. Click "Reassignments" from the menu
  3. The screen will display all Reassignments with details of the reassigned message
    1. Date- the date the message was reassigned
    2. Contacts- the number of messages reassigned
    3. Texter- the name of the texter that reassigned the message
    4. Program- the program the reassignment is from
    5. Reason- the reason the texter selected to reassign the message
  4. Under "Actions"
    1. "Assign to Me"- this will reassign the message to you
    2. "Assign to User"- you will be prompted to select the User you would like to reassign the requests to.
    3. "Assign to User List"- you will be prompted to select the User List you would like to reassign the requests to. This is a helpful selection if you have a group of texters focused on specific reassigned texts. Example, Voting suppression questions, texts in other languages
    4. "Assign to Pool"- this will send the messages to the replies pool. Texters with permission to request conversations can request these when they are ready to reply to more conversations.


  1. Click the blue "Moderation" button at the top
  2. Click "Moderate" on the menu
  3. In the "User" box, begin typing a name or email
  4. Select the user from the list
  5. Then you have three choices of actions
    1. Change the User's Texter Level
    2. Leave feedback for the User
    3. Select the program you would like to moderate and you will be able to view the User's texting in that program

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