How Do I Add a New Texter to my Workspace and to my program?

To add a new user to your TextOut Workspace, you need to send them an "Invitation" to join

  1. Click the "Administration" button at the top
  2. Click "Workspace Settings" on the menu
  3. Click the "Invitations" tab
  4. If you already have the invitation you want to use
    1. Click "Copy Link" next to the invitation you want to send
    2. Send the link to the person you want to join your workspace
  5. If you need to create a new invitation, click the blue "New Invitation"
    1. Enter an Expiration Date
    2. Click "Save"
    3. Click "Copy Link" next to the invitation you want to send
    4. Send the link to the person you want to join your workspace

Adding the new User as a texter to your program

  1. Once the user clicks the link and creates an account, you can add them to your program
  2. Click "Administration"
  3. Click "Programs" on the menu
  4. Click the pencil button under actions next to the program you want to add the user to
  5. Click the "Roles" tab
  6. Click the blue "Assign User" button
  7. In the user box, begin typing their name or email and select the user
  8. Under "Role", select "Texter"
  9. Click the blue "Assign Role" button

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