What Are Dynamic Fields?
Dynamic Fields pull Contact Details, such as name or polling location, into outbound messages to personalize texts. Dynamic Fields can instantly add Contact Details instead of typing them out whenever creating a Program script.
What type of data can be used as a Dynamic Field?
Any column of data, associated with a contact, uploaded into TextOut (either from CSV or VAN import) can be a Dynamic Field. Some common examples include:
- Contact's First Name,
- Sender's First Name,
- Polling Place Name,
- Event Address,
- Mobilize RSVP Link,
How to use Dynamic Fields in a message
To personalize a message with a dynamic field, match up Contact List column headers with the Dynamic Fields in the script.
- In the Contact List, add columns after the standard fields (First Name, Last Name, and Phone Number) with column headers corresponding to the data desired to pull into a message.
- To insert the dynamic field in the script, use the name of the column that holds the data to insert, surrounded by two curly brackets on each side (ex:
Dynamic fields will not be populated in Recommended Replies until a Texter selects a Contact in their Program Inbox.
How to Use a Contact's First Name as a Dynamic Field
Initial Outbound messages should include the first name of the Contact you are texting (ex: Hi Peter, it's Paul!). To include the Contact's first name:
- Insert
in the outbound message where the person's name should go. The Contact name will populate in each message based on the Contact List.
How to Use the Sender's First Name as a Dynamic Field
Most Initial Outbound messages also have the first name of the Texter sending the message (ex: Hi Peter, it's Paul!). To include the Texter first name:
- Insert
into the outbound message where the sender's name should appear. The message will populate automatically with the first name of the Texter (as entered in their TextOut User profile) sending the message.
How to use other data as a Dynamic Field
The possibilities with dynamic fields are endless. For example, during GOTV, Initial Outbound messages can include the polling location of the Contact (ex: Hi Peter, don't forget to vote at 123 Main St Library!). To include the Contact's polling location:
- Include polling location data in the Contact List file as a column titled "PollingLocation." In the outbound message, insert
in the body of the message to insert as a variable per Contact. The message will automatically populate each Contact's Polling Location into the Recommended Reply.
Additional Examples:
- To insert a Mobilize event link, include in the Contact List the Column header "MobilizeLink." Make sure each row has a URL. Insert
where the link should appear in the outbound message. - To insert an event address, include in the Contact List the Column header "EventAddress." Make sure each row has an address. Insert
where the address should appear in the outbound message.