Setup: .CSV File for Contact List Upload
The first row of the CSV must be column headers such as First Name, Last Name, Cell Phone
If you are using dynamic fields in your script, be sure the column headers match those dynamic fields. For instance Polling Location
Standard Fields
First name and cell phone number are the minimum required column headers needed in a Contact List for any data. Include additional columns of data and use those in messaging through dynamic fields, described further below.
- First name (required) TextOut will automatically convert all-cap names to proper case.
- Last name (optional)
- Cell Phone Number (required) Enter cell phone numbers in the ten-digit format (e.g., 4156895012) or eleven digits - a ten-digit format with 1 prepended (14156895012). All of the following examples are valid:
- (917) 123 4567
- +19171234567
- 9171234567
- 1-917-123-4567
- Numbers greater than 11 digits or less than 10 digits will not be accepted.
- Each of the above numbers will result in the system as 19171234567
- External Identifier (optional)
Optional Dynamic Fields
To include extra data in a Contact List beyond the required fields, add additional columns. This is helpful for:
- Data analysis later when exporting Program data from TextOut, everything will be in one place.
- To include additional personalized information in the Initial Outbound or Recommended Replies, such as polling place or event location.
Using Dynamic Fields
There are two steps to using a dynamic field in an Initial Outbound message and scripted Recommended Replies:
- Include optional dynamic fields desired in the file as an additional column header (e.g., Voter ID Number is "VoterID" or Email is “Email”)
- To insert the dynamic field in the Initial Outbound or a Recommended Reply, use the column header's name surrounded by two curly brackets on each side. For example: {{ColumnName}}
For further personalization, include the Texter’s name by including the tag {{SenderFirstName}} in the Initial Outbound. The tag will insert the first name of the Texter from their account profile. The Texter can edit their name at any time by going to their Account Profile in TextOut.
Example use of Sender’s First Name as a dynamic field:
Hi {{ContactFirstName}}, I’m {{SenderFirstName}}, a volunteer for Kermit for President. Election Day is tomorrow! Will you be a voter for Kermit?
Important! A Contact first name is required in the Initial Outbound message. Otherwise, the message will likely be marked as spam and undelivered by Carriers.