Glossary of TextOut Basic Texting Terms
Data Tags:
TextOut applies Data Tags automatically when certain Recommended Replies are used or manually with Surveys. If a Workspace collects additional information, such as an email or location information, they can be saved in the Free-form data area.
Note: Data Tags can only be adjusted by the Workspace Administrator, so please choose carefully! If the wrong one is selected, let a Program Administrator or Moderator know - they may want to make a correction.
Some Workspaces moderate and give Texters feedback on their conversations. This may consist of tips and advice on improving texting or instructions on following the Workspace's protocols.
Users have an Inbox for each Program where all conversation activity takes place.
Initial Outbound (IOB):
The Initial Outbound message is the first text message sent to a Contact (the person being texted.)
A Program is a text message campaign within a Workspace. All texting occurs exclusively within Programs.
Open Program:
An open Program has texts available and you are able to send if below "Initials Pool" or "Replies Pool" says "Open". It will also show you how many texts are remaining in that program.
Closed Program:
A closed Program is no longer available to request or send new texts in. These programs will show as "Closed" under "Initials Pool" or "Replies Pool". "Closed Programs can still show under “Active Programs” and may open and close according to the Workspace.
Quiet Hours:
Designated hours when Texters cannot send texts to Contacts. During this time, contacts will be able to reply, but Texters will not respond. The Workspace Administrator sets these hours.
Reassigns and Reassigning a Conversation
Reassigning a conversation sends the conversation to the Program Administrator to be assigned to another Texter. Texters cannot choose whom the conversation is reassigned to.
Recommended Replies (RR):
Recommended Replies are scripted replies created to help engage Contacts in conversation.
A Contact that has requested to be removed from further communication.
"Both" Reply
A Contact may reply that the wrong number or person has been reached and also use Opt-Out language. In these instances, a Recommended Reply labeled “ Both” should be used.
Replies Ready to Send:
“Ready” shows how many new texts are to send, either as Initial Outbounds or replies to Contacts that need follow-up.
Workspace Directory:
The Workspace Directory is the landing page for TextOut it will display any public organizations using TextOut. Private Workspaces require a custom invitation link.