Setup: User Lists

User Lists are a tool to organize Users into lists to make it easier to manage User Roles and Permissions across a TextOut Account and Workspace. Workspace Administrators can create custom User Lists and also group Users together into Texter Level User Lists.   

Create a User List:

  1. Select “Administration” then click “User Lists.”
  2. Click the blue button in the upper right "Create User List"
  3. Name- Enter a name for the user list. Such as "Experts", "Moderators", etc
  4. Click the "Save" button in the upper right
  5. Click the blue "Add User" button to add users to the list
  6. Add Users individually by typing their name or email address into the search field, and selecting the User.
  7. Continue adding users to the list
  8. You can then add this user list to the Workspace, Divisions, Program Groups, Programs to give them roles within the Workspace

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