Setup: User Roles and Permissions
Account Roles
There are three Roles within the Account:
- Account Owner: Only one Account Owner holds the Contract agreement with TextOut. Account Owners can register 10DLC Brands and Campaigns, manage Users, view Billing Overview, and view Account-level Dashboards. Only the Account Owner can request a change in the account ownership.
- Account Admin: Account Admins can do everything an Account Owner can do, except request a change to the Account Ownership. Account Owners can grant this Role at the Account level.
- Billing Viewer: Billing Viewers can view cost charts and export cost history data. Account Owners and Admins can grant this Role at the Account level.
Workspace Roles
There are four Roles within the Workspace and they can be granted at Workspace, Division, Program Group, or Program levels.
- Administrator: Administrators can create Divisions, Program Groups, and Programs and handle data and data exports. If a User is an Administrator in multiple Workspaces, they can have different Roles in each.
- Editor: Editors can create and change Scripts and Recommended Replies.
- Analytics Viewer: Analytics Viewer can view Dashboards.
- Moderator: Moderators can moderate text requests, leave feedback, and handle Users' reassignment requests.
- Texter: Texters can only be added at the Program-level.
Role Inheritance
Roles granted at any level are inherited downward.
How to manage and review Users Roles and Permissions in an Account
- Account Owners and Account Admins can manage Account User roles
- Select “Account” from the top menu ❯ “Manage Users.”
- This screen provides a table of all Users and their access levels for each Program. Search by Name or Email.
How to manage and review Users Roles and Permissions in a Workspace
- Workspace and Division Admins can manage Workspace and Division roles
- Select “Administration” from the top menu ❯ “Users”
- This screen provides a table of all Users and their access levels for each Program. Search by Name or Email.