⭐️SMS Best Practices
For successful and compliant texting programs, you must comply with the following best practices:
- Honor Opt-out Requests - It is critical that you honor opt-out requests by opting that contact out. If a text recipient indicates they want to be removed from your list, you must take them out, and they must not be texted by your organization unless they opt-in in the future.
Civitech's Acceptable Use Policy requires your organization to honor opt-out requests. Violation of this Policy, or authorizing or helping others to do so, may result in termination or suspension of your use of all services provided by Civitech.
- Initial Outbound Message Rules
- Keep it Short - 1-2 segments are best for readability and clarity.
- Include Opt-Out instructions - The carriers require the inclusion of opt-out instructions in the first outbound message. Failure to include this language will result in your messages being marked as spam and not delivered by the carriers.
- Identify Yourself and the Messaging Entity in the Initial Outbound - The individual sending the message should identify themselves and the organization they are texting for. "Hi, this is Sue, a volunteer for John Brown for Congress."
- Respond to Recipients' Questions - Respond in a timely manner to all questions from your message recipients. If you don't know the answer, let them know you'll find it and get back to them.
- Links in your initial outbound- only use links if you marked "Embedded link" on your 10DLC Campaign registration, it doesn't have to be the exact link you shared but should be same domain or similar content.
- Don't Use Link Shorteners - Short links and other redirects are not allowed. Link directly to your organization's website.
- Curated Audience Lists - Build your audience lists thoughtfully. Put thought into who you are texting, align what you know about them and that they want to hear about you.
- Quality over Quantity - The quality of your conversations is more important than quantity. Don't over text your audience. Over texting will lead to complaints and more opt-out requests.
- Observe Quiet Hours - The best hours for texting are no earlier than 9 am, no later than 9 pm. Keep external factors in the message recipients' community in mind. For example, don't text during an extreme weather event, during a holiday, during the Super Bowl, or during a time of community bereavement unless there is a good reason to be in that locality.
- Feedback is Essential - Set up Moderators for your Workspace, to support your Texters with ongoing feedback to help strengthen their messaging game, making sure they are observing best practices.
- Never Share Screenshots - Remind all your texters!
- Don't Engage with Trolls - Don't be combative with your audience, even if they are rude, angry or you disagree with them. We have recommended replies for these types of responses. Please use them! You can find "Universal Scripts" in the script library (if you need access contact Civitech Support) under "Add-ons".
- Train your Volunteers to Ask Questions - If they don't know the answer, they should let their contact know they'll ask and get back to them.
Review these important guidelines from the CTIA: